• Liverpool, England, United Kingdom (Greenwich Mean Time)
The Roman Empire
Lasting more than 500 years, the Roman Empire was, at its peak, the most extensive political and social structure in...
John Reppion
Saint Patrick’s Day: Fact and Fiction
March the 17th is the anniversary of the death of Maewyn Succat, a child of Roman parents born in Scotland...
John Reppion
Weirdest Swords in History
In History's Forged in Fire world-class blade-smiths compete to re-create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. There are...
John Reppion
10 things you probably didn’t know about Sean Bean
From 1998 to 2008 Sean Bean played Napoleonic soldier Richard Sharpe in 16 episodes of the television series Sharpe, based...
John Reppion
5 things the Romans gave us
Ancient Impossible reveals how many of today’s technological achievements were actually developed centuries ago. One civilisation which contributed more than...
John Reppion
Pawn Stars SA Strangest Ever Finds
Pawn Stars South Africa opens the door to the Cash Inn pawn shop, Johannesburg, where owner Roy Peretz, his partners...
John Reppion
To Beard or not to Beard
You never get a second chance to make a first impression, or so the saying goes, but how does a...
John Reppion
What does your beard say about you?
Back in Spring 2014 we were warned that “Peak Beard” was a thing after research conducted by the University of...
John Reppion
5 ways to survive a wolf attack
Mountain Men know that nature can be cruel and that out in the wilderness a man can easily find himself...
John Reppion
5 Weirdest Storage Locker Finds
In Storage Wars the bidders never know quite what they're going to get when they're competing for a locker. Sometimes...
John Reppion
5 of the best things to buy from a pawnbrokers
We all like to save ourselves a bit of cash and buying things second hand from a pawnbrokers is a...
John Reppion
5 famous Bounty Hunters
While the Big Rig Bounty Hunters may have it rough sometimes the history of Bounty Hunting has more than its...
John Reppion
Evel Knievel’s 5 greatests stunts
Evel Knievel is legend – a fearless daredevil as famous for his striking leather jumpsuits as his motorcycle stunts. It’s...
John Reppion